👤Your Role

Submit a Resource

There are two ways to submit a resource to the ITC:

  1. Email ITC the resource and include all needed details (see below)

  2. Become a resource owner and submit through the Resource Library system (preferred)

Email itc@uidaho.edu your resource with all needed details.

The details to include in the email:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Keywords

  • Ages o All Ages OR

    • Early Childhood (Birth – K)

  • Audience

    • Administrators OR

    • Instructional Staff OR

    • Administrators & Instructional Staff

  • Provider

    • SESTA OR

    • SDE

  • Topic(s)

    • Which ITC topic page(s) the resource should show on

  • Type (choose one)

    • Other Documents

    • Meeting Minutes

    • Webinar/Video

    • Face to Face Training

    • Online Training Modules

    • Newsletter

  • Start Date (when the resource become publicly viewable)

  • End Date (when the resource should be archived from public view)

  • Resource Owner Name (your name as the author/owner of the resource)

  • Collection Name

    • Optional name you can give multiple resources to group them together

  • â€ĸ Attach accessible files

    • Make sure they are named how you want them displayed

Last updated